
Showing posts from July, 2018

Optimize the UI/UX of any Mobile App using these Tips

Mobile App’s UI (User Interface) and its UX (User Experience) has become the talk of the town, as in today’s competitive market of applications, each brand or business or a gaming company wants to stand out by providing its users a unique UI/UX. Many top Game design company in India have started to focus and prioritize on their app’s UI/UX concept during development itself, and have started implementing it seriously.   What is User Experience (UX)? For those of you still wondering about this term, a smaller description of it can be - the perception of the usability of your app, that the user is presented with, when they use it. The better the UX of your app, the more is the satisfaction level of your users, which means better user base - so invest in a Mobile UI design company for your app wisely. Make sure your Mobile UI design company is ready for debates on the UI/UX of your application right from the beginning - its merits/demerits, technological feasibility and its ...

Points to consider in Graphic Designing while enhancing your websites

Are you a business owner already having your online presence in terms of a website, or, are you still looking out for a Graphics Designer in India to help you design and create your website? Then this article is for you. Switching from your existing design is quite difficult, because of site owner’s lack of domain knowledge about websites and its technicalities, as there are chances that your existing functionalities might not work or you end up losing your favorite design which you loved the most because the web designing company changed it !!! Below are some of the page design ideas, that should be considered every time a website is designed, so that your websites is more appealing and contextual for the visitors: The Blog Page This is a must have page or section in your website, which can be used by you to spread out your ideas and thinking’s in a more precise manner, than the content of your website. Other pages have dependencies on the content quality and length constr...